Why Rhythm Matters
One of the best things you can do to create a peaceful family life is to bring rhythm into your days.
Rhythm is an intentional, predictable pattern which you have crafted to guide your days, weeks, and seasons.
Rhythm helps children feel secure and comfortable – it provides a safe container for all of their beautiful energy, imagination, and creativity.
Rhythm is a foundational piece of Waldorf-inspired homeschooling from the early years all through the grades because it helps children connect better and learn better.
Let’s talk more about why rhythm matters and what it can do for you. And then I have a new guide to get you up and running! The Rhythm Quick Start Guide will take you through all the steps of creating a rhythm that works for your family. Sign up below so I can send it to you!
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The step by step guide to creating a rhythm that works for your family.
Here’s how rhythm helps you create a peaceful family life:
1 / Rhythm creates predictability
Rhythm sets the stage for predictability in the home. With so many choices and so many demands on our time in modern life, our days and weeks can look really chaotic. Especially from a child’s point of view. Young children crave consistency and repetition because these make them feel secure and safe. When they know what to expect, they can relax into their play. It’s hard to overemphasize how important this is for small children!
2 / Rhythm leads to easier transitions
Rhythm creates a familiar sequence of events, so it’s especially helpful for transitions from one activity to the next. Children like knowing what comes next and this helps them to be partners in maintaining your rhythm. Parents like it too, and have more confidence in leading to the next thing if they have a rhythm to guide them. Rather than having to negotiate over every change in activity, we all know, for example, that we tidy up after lunch and then we have our quiet time (or whatever it is for your family). The days flow so much smoother once this is in place!
3 / Rhythm keeps you in the mode of pro-active parenting
Rhythm is my number one resource for increasing calm and decreasing crazy in my home. It keeps everyone on an even keel and helps to prevent many problems and squabbles before they happen. That’s pro-active parenting. A strong rhythm in the home helps children feel calm and people who are calm act better (parents too). Meals and snacks at predictable times prevent blood-sugar melt-downs. Regular routines for napping and sleeping increase the chances that everyone gets the rest they need. Tired mamas who know they’ll get some alone time in the afternoon can find that extra bit of energy and fun for their kiddos. When basic needs are met in a predictable way, it relieves stress for everybody. It feels good at the end of the day when you have spent it nurturing, connecting, learning, playing, and taking care of the home, rather than rushing around putting out fires.
4 / Rhythm allows you to emphasize connection
Slowing down and connecting with your kids is invaluable but it can get lost in the busyness of modern life. Children need time to be at home, time to be with their families, time to connect with nature. If you protect their time for these things, they will be happier and less over-stimulated little people. If you prioritize connection in your rhythm, you meet one of their most basic needs, and you’ll find that you have a strong foundation for a peaceful home.
5 / Rhythm helps you be intentional about your priorities
Rhythm is being intentional about the pattern of your days. It’s about taking some time to create a predictable flow to the day, week, and year. This means you can structure your family life around what matters most to you!
6 / Rhythm isn’t a schedule
Rhythm is different than a schedule because it’s more of a pattern to follow than a specific timetable. Kids like it when their days follow a pattern. They can relax into their play when they know what’s coming next. But people can feel rushed or ignored if they have to follow a schedule. A good rhythm will respect this need for predictability but it won’t be so rigid that it can’t accommodate what comes up in your day.
There are so many advantages to a rhythmic home and family life, but only if you craft a rhythm that works for you!
People often get stuck or feel like they’re failing with rhythm just because they’re modeling their days on what works for someone else’s family (or what’s happening at the local school). There isn’t any correct rhythm, just one that works for your family in this life season. And when you get it working for you it makes a big difference.
Ready to get started?
This Rhythm Quick Start Guide will take you through the process of creating a rhythm for your family! In it you’ll find:
- What you need to understand about daily, weekly, and seasonal rhythm
- What rhythm looks like in the early years, kindy years, and grades
- Journal prompts so you can get clear on what will work for your family
- A step by step process to outlining your rhythm
- More in-depth guides to help you with trouble spots like transitions, bedtimes, and getting the housework done
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xo, Kelly
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The step by step guide to creating a rhythm that works for your family.