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Lavender’s Blue Kindergarten Curriculum

The Lavender’s Blue Kindergarten Curriculum gives you all the support you need so your family can thrive.

The early years are a precious time, and at the same time this is when mamas have the most on their hands with all the never-ending needs of young children and running a home. It’s hard to find time for enough sleep and self-care, let alone planning out a beautiful homeschool kindy experience!

I want you to have the support you need to focus on what matters most. Not research and gathering materials from all over the place. Not endless planning. Not late nights pulling it all together and wondering if you’re “doing it right.”

When you have a solid curriculum to start from, this frees you up to focus on the child in front of you. It gives you the breathing room to take good care of yourself and your family and to be present for these precious early years.

“Lavenders Blue is gentle, lovely and best of all easy. Kelly has done the work for us and created a home centered curriculum that is engaging and simple to work with. I've tried many other curriculums and none of them have been as user friendly and just fun to teach with.”


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Lavender’s Blue includes a level of step-by-step guidance, imaginative lessons, and guilt-free support that you won’t find anywhere else.

With this curriculum you can expect to:

  • Have all your stories in one place so you don’t need to search for materials

  • Have beautifully crafted circles with movement, songs, and verses ready to go

  • Have audio recordings of all the songs and verses to make them easy to learn

  • Have video lessons on painting, modeling, and storytelling so you don’t have to worry if you’re doing it right

  • Have painting, modeling, and crafts planned out for each week so you can relax knowing you are well prepared

  • Save yourself a huge amount of time and stress over trying to do all of the research, learning, resource-gathering, planning, and pulling it together into a magical, creative experience all by yourself

This beautiful, integrated Waldorf-inspired homeschool curriculum includes detailed weekly lesson plans for 36 weeks of kindergarten, as well as video tutorials and guidance on creating a rhythm that works for your family.

Each week includes your:

  • Story

  • Circle time

  • Watercolor painting story

  • Beeswax modeling idea

  • Seasonal craft with color photo and detailed instructions

  • Audio recordings of the circle songs and verses

The entire curriculum is carefully crafted and beautifully integrated so you have the support you need for a joyful and magical kindergarten at home!


"I wanted to drop you a note to express my gratitude for your hard work. I spent quite a while day dreaming about buying the curriculum and I sure am glad I dove in and did. The price  exceptionally fair for all that is provided. The calm and cheer it is bringing my heart is invaluable. I was feeling overwhelmed, lost and a tad behind and in one swift moment Lavender blue cleared the clouds. I really appreciate that time you have taken to make this available to me. Truly thank you. Please keep up the exceptional work!"


"I just wanted to let you know that I am a Waldorf trained teacher, an AP leader, and with my masters in early childhood, I teach peaceful parenting workshops, and you have done a wonderful job with this curriculum and site.  Thank you!"
- Tracy R.

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Here's what's unique about Lavender's Blue Kindergarten

Enchanting stories and circles

  • The seasonal stories and circle times are the heart of the curriculum.

  • The stories are traditional fairy and folk tales from around the world, retold in a gentle storytelling voice for young children.

  • The carefully crafted circle time takes you on an evolving seasonal adventure.

  • Audio recordings of all the circle songs and verses are included so it's easy for you to listen, learn, and then lead your children.

  • The circle includes movement suggestions to build more healthy movement into your day and nurture sensory development.

  • The circle evolves slowly through the year (adding one or two new songs/verses per week), providing just the right amount of repetition and change for young children.

  • The complete Kindergarten Curriculum also includes a Summer Stories Bonus with twelve additional stories. (That makes 48 wonderful stories in the full curriculum so you never have to scramble last-minute to find a story, search online or at the library, or buy another book!)

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Beautifully integrated artistic activities

  • The painting, beeswax, and crafts tie in with the seasonal circle and stories for a beautifully integrated weekly rhythm.

  • Includes instructions on wet-on-wet watercolor painting, beeswax modeling, and handwork/crafts for the young child.

  • A lovely color story each week brings a touch of imagination to your painting day.

  • The kindergarten handwork curriculum includes beginning projects in hand sewing, wet felting, fingerknitting, paper folding, natural dyeing, and more.

  • The weekly crafts are fun (not intimidating) and include step-by-step instructions and color photos.

  • Every week you will create beautiful, colorful, nature-table-worthy paintings, beeswax figures, and crafts alongside your child.

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A truly holistic curriculum filled with heart, soul, and intention

  • A full introduction to holistic homeschooling in the kindergarten years so you will understand what to do, why, and how.

  • Gentle support to homeschool in a way that works for your family, with no should's, don’ts, or guilt included.

  • Guidance on creating daily and weekly rhythms in the kindergarten years.

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Video tutorials

  • Guided video tutorials on how to paint, work with beeswax, and tell stories so you feel confident teaching kindy.

  • Video demonstrations of wet-on-wet watercolor painting while telling a color story, modeling with beeswax, and telling stories so you can see it all in action.

  • I share my best tips, tricks, and insights gleaned over the years with you!

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  • This is a digital product which you can view on our member site, download, and/or print.

  • The full curriculum is 36 weeks (464 pages/75 mp3 tracks) and includes complete lessons for autumn, winter, and spring.

  • Each week includes a story, circle (with audio), and integrated artistic activities (painting, beeswax modeling, and craft).

  • You can also purchase seasons individually (see below).

  • This purchase is final and non-refundable.

  • Your purchase supports my family and allows me to continue creating curriculum and free resources for the Lavender’s Blue Community. Please consider your copyrighted curriculum an investment for your family only and do not plan to resell. Thank you for your support!

  • To view a sample week from the curriculum, please click here.

Kindergarten Curriculum - Full Year

"I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your curriculum. I have three kids ages 3, 6 and 8. I bought the kindergarten download in December and it's what held us somewhat together during a rough month. This month it's been really helping us get back on track and given us the underlying structure and sweetness that we'd been missing for a while. All of my kids enjoy circle time, I hear them singing the songs through out the day and making up new poems to go with the ones we've been saying, and I appreciate that the stories are engaging, but not overly long to read."
- Alyssa M.

"My son just said "OUR circle time is more fun than the one we did at school." (Waldorf school last year.) I was thinking today that this is the first October in many years that I have actually felt October, instead of it just racing by. I really think it's because your curriculum and circle are so grounding in the season... I can be conscious of it each day and really enjoy it. I love that so much! It is such a gift-- thank you!"
- Julia F.

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Hi, I’m Kelly! I’m a homeschooling mama and former mixed-age kindergarten teacher with a background in developmental neuropsychology. I live in gorgeous small-town New Hampshire with my husband Brooks and daughters Aiya, Sierra, Leta, and Eleanor.

I discovered Waldorf as a new mama, and as an avid reader and researcher, dove right in!  When my oldest reached preschool age and I couldn’t find the homeschool resource of my dreams, I started creating it from scratch….and Lavender’s Blue was born.

My passion is helping families learn how to homeschool using holistic, Waldorf-inspired methods without the burnout and overwhelm. But more importantly, I won’t tell you what you should do. Or fill you with dread that you’ll do the wrong thing and mess up your child.

My style is non-dogmatic, guilt-free, and warmly supportive. Because I trust you! You are the expert on your family, and I am your guide for Waldorf-inspired methods. I don’t get those roles confused.

I also take my responsibility of creating super high quality curriculum materials very seriously. I’m a thorough researcher and planner with a creative side and a knack for details. I believe homeschool families deserve tremendous support and I can’t believe how lucky I am to put my strengths and passions to work for my beloved homeschool tribe!


This curriculum package is for families who want a joyful and holistic kindergarten homeschooling experience that’s inspired by the Waldorf educational philosophy.


It’s for you if…

  • You believe in play-based education in early childhood.

  • You want all the resources you need gathered into one beautiful, thoughtful, and integrated curriculum package.

  • You want to save oodles of time and money by not having to plan everything from scratch and purchase separate story, song, and craft books.

  • You want guidance on crafting a rhythm that feels great for your unique family

  • You want guilt-free, non-dogmatic, and warm support from Kelly and our lovely community.

  • You want a curriculum that is meant to be adapted to your family life (and not the other way around).

It’s also for you if…

  • You struggle with rhythm and pulling it all together yourself.

  • You don’t have tons of time to waste looking for stories, the words to a verse, or the tune to a song.

  • You are really excited to homeschool your children but you need guidance and support to become the confident and peaceful homeschool parent you want to be.

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Lavender’s Blue isn’t the right fit for every family.  For example, this is not the curriculum for you if:

  • You prefer an academic kindergarten experience (such as an introduction to the alphabet, phonics, or arithmetic). In Waldorf-inspired education, these topics are formally introduced around age 7 in first grade, not in early childhood.

  • You believe that learning academic skills (such as reading) earlier and faster is of long-term benefit. The Lavender’s Blue approach is to build a strong foundation for literacy and numeracy with an early childhood full of play, movement, and imagination.

  • You’re looking for a religious curriculum. This curriculum is secular and leaves space for you to integrate your family’s spiritual beliefs in whatever way works for you. We welcome people of all faiths at Lavender’s Blue.

  • You’re looking for a curriculum by a Waldorf-trained teacher. I’m a homeschool mama with experience working with families in a number of different settings, but I’m not an anthroposophist and I have not completed Waldorf teacher training. Waldorf-inspired homeschooling has been a fantastic fit for my family, and creating curriculum just happens to be one of my superpowers. 😉

  • You bring negativity or judgment into online communities. We run a non-dogmatic and non-judgmental community! We’ve had zero problems with negativity in our group and plan to keep it that way.

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Lavender’s Blue is for you if you need a Waldorf-inspired curriculum that will help you feel more confident, not more overwhelmed.

"I want to say a big thank you to you Kelly. The curriculum is so accessible, and inspiring, and helps us to get thru the day as we are all stay at home folk. It's a foundation for peaceful, joy full and soulful living."
- Kaylah F.




+ How will I receive my curriculum?

Your purchase gives you access to our members-only curriculum site, where you can download your curriculum (pdf and mp3 files). You also have the option to view and/or print the curriculum directly from your browser. Our community manager Flora will set you up in our curriculum members site after you purchase. It's not automatic, so please give her 48 hours to get you set up and send you a login email. You have lifetime access to your curriculum (for your family only), including any upgrades or bonuses that I create in the future for Lavender’s Blue Kindergarten. If you have any trouble at all, please contact us at and we will be happy to help!

+ When should we start kindergarten?

The short answer is kindergarten is appropriate for ages 3-6, but there’s no rush. For a more nuanced answer see this blog post.

+ Is this a secular curriculum?

Yes, it is! We welcome families of all religious backgrounds to Lavender’s Blue. Instilling a sense of reverence is incredibly important in the life of the young child and your family will want to do this according to your own personal beliefs. This curriculum is secular, which makes it easy to integrate with your family’s spiritual traditions. If there is anything in the curriculum that doesn’t work for your family, you are most welcomed to adapt it to your own beliefs.

+ Is the curriculum based around traditional Waldorf festivals?

No, it’s not! Every family is unique, and I strongly encourage you to celebrate festivals that are meaningful for your family. The circle and story themes are focused on seasonal changes in the natural world. That said, there are occasional references to some of the commonly celebrated festivals (such as lantern songs in late autumn around Martinmas and a heart-shaped craft in mid-winter around Valentine’s). The references are pretty subtle, so you could emphasize them if you are celebrating that festival – or if not, don’t! Also, you can always pause your kindy activities if you need more time to celebrate an important festival. The curriculum is meant to be adapted to your family, not the other way around!

+ Does the curriculum include recipes for cooking or baking?

No, it doesn’t! I’m a huge fan of cooking and baking with my children and these are wonderful kindergarten activities to include in your weekly rhythm. But to me it makes the most sense to include your child in the cooking and baking you already do for your family. Of course it’s wonderful to try new things too, like learning to bake bread from scratch! But with so many different dietary needs and preferences in our homeschool community, it didn’t feel right to include recipes in the curriculum.

+ Is there a difference between the individual seasons and the full curriculum?

The individual seasons contain the kindergarten introduction and all the curriculum content for a 12-week season (autumn, winter, or spring) but do not include the awesome videos (tutorials with demonstrations of painting, modeling, and storytelling) or the summer stories bonus. You can purchase a season for $99 or the full curriculum for $267. If you have purchased one or two seasons and would like to upgrade to the full curriculum, we can give you credit for your past purchases – just send an email to

+ Do you have a curriculum sample I could see?

Yes, absolutely! You'll find curriculum sample pages here. The sample pages include a full weekly plan (the circle, story, painting, beeswax modeling, and craft for one week). Please note the curriculum also includes detailed movement suggestions for the circle verses (not pictured here), as well as the complete circle on audio and the introduction. For samples of audio recordings, please visit the songs page on the blog.

+ I have a question not answered here…

Please contact us at and we’ll be happy to help! :)

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"I have really been enjoying the songs you include in your curriculum. Thank you for including the recordings it makes it SO much easier for me to learn the songs, and it is such a joy to be singing more! For me and the kids. Thank you!!"
- Stacy L.

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  • This is a digital product which you can view on our member site, download, and/or print.

  • The full curriculum is 36 weeks (464 pages/75 mp3 tracks) and includes complete lessons for autumn, winter, and spring.

  • Each week includes a story, circle (with audio), and integrated artistic activities (painting, beeswax modeling, and craft).

  • You can also purchase seasons individually (see below).

  • This purchase is final and non-refundable.

  • Your purchase supports my family and allows me to continue creating curriculum and free resources for the Lavender’s Blue Community. Please consider your copyrighted curriculum an investment for your family only and do not plan to resell. Thank you for your support!

  • To view a sample week from the curriculum, please click here.

Kindergarten Curriculum - Full Year

Individual Seasons

Autumn, Winter, and Spring weekly lesson plans are also available for purchase separately. Each season includes the full kindergarten introduction, weekly plans, and audio recordings for that season (12 weeks total).  Please note the individual seasons do not include the video tutorials on painting, modeling, and storytelling, or the summer stories bonus.

Please select one of the links below to purchase an individual season. If you've purchased one or two seasons in the past and would like to upgrade to the full curriculum, please send us an email at to get credit for your previous purchases.

Kindergarten - Autumn Season
Kindergarten - Winter Season
Kindergarten - Spring Season
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“These are some of the words I would use to describe my experience with Lavender's Blue curriculum, as well as the community on mighty networks, and Flora of course! Amazing, supportive, flexible, meaningful. The biggest thing, is that the space you have created encourages you to find your own way to make it work for your family, whilst giving you a solid foundation to work with. No purity or "it must/should be done this way", just whatever speaks best to you, your child and your family. This is so so great. In other words there is no right or wrong here. That makes it inclusive and supportive to everyone who needs it! Thank you so much. This past four years with your curriculum and community have been life/sanity saving for me.”

- Margaretha

"before I came across lavender’s blue, our life was as follows. no rhyme or reason, and certainly no rhythm. TV all day, crazy screaming kids, just a constant sense of failure as a mother, with lots of tears.

after lavender’s blue, sanity, order, organized, happy kids, less tv, outside often, enjoy life as a mother, enjoy the little things my kids love, that I use to think were silly. most importantly an empowered mother."

- Brittany A. 

"I am beyond excited that you are a year ahead of me for these. I am so excited to use your curriculum for hopefully many years to come.  I was literally thinking the other day, I can't believe the timing of this. Hopefully she just keeps making the curriculum she is using with her daughter available every year and then we'll buy it the year before we need it, and my kids and I will have such a beautiful, rhythmic amazing homeschooling journey!!!  I hope you know what a gift you've given to all of our families. You are changing the world with your work!!"

- Jennifer H.